Time to rewrite your story?
We all love stories.
A good story creates trust, gives meaning, captures hearts, and connects.
A good story is easily remembered and retold.
Through storytelling, humanity has written history: around the bonfire, painted on cave walls or passed down verbally from one generation to another.
With storytelling, we make sense of events, of the world.
Research shows that stories create such a deep emotional connection that the brain waves of the listeners mirror the ones of the teller.
I use a powerful tool in my coaching practice with all my clients and every time and again it has proven to be one of the most impactful exercises in my repertoire. Inspired by Positive Intelligence, I guide my coachees through an exercise called “the perfectly written story of your life”.
The strong and beautiful assumption and mindset to use through the storytelling of our life is that nothing is ever wasted
and that every single event, positive or negative, can be seen as an opportunity and a gift (even though at times we feel not ready yet).
Our life might look meandric and random at first, but by reframing the pivotal moments of our life with this powerful perspective, we manage to:
Make sense of the pieces of our life
Define our identity by finding common threads and clues that help us clarify our values and sense of direction
Rewrite our story in a wiser and more positive way
Create a bigger frame to allow our development.
Help us to completely accept ourselves
Inform us of who we want to become.
So, ready to give it a go? Grab a pen and a notebook and set aside 10-15 min.
These are the steps for the exercise:
Divide your life into 5 main chapters from when you were born until today (organize them in a way that makes sense considering the main events of your life)
Think about the formative and pivotal moments in each chapter, notice your triumphs and failures
Get curious and reflect on how these experiences have shaped you, your values, and your beliefs and helped you become who you are as a friend, parent, colleague, leader, etc.
Ask yourself the question: what is the gift that this chapter gave me, that is still important for me today and will be in the future?
Finally, what might be the main aspects, and ingredients of the new chapter that still need to be written? You have been through all those adventures in the perfectly written story of your life, but, what’s next for you?
Notice the sense of authorship and groundedness
that this exercise gives you.
What do you know now about what motivates you?
What impact do you want to have? What are your values?
How do you want to show up?
Here’s a quote for you:
“Sometimes it is only when you see where you have been, that you can tell where you are heading” William Bridges
Make your story your own guide and motivator, find acceptance, belonging, and strength in it.
Give yourself this beautiful gift!
I’m always here for you,