The power of celebration!
To help habits stick and to be nicer to ourselves
The quality of our habits determines the quality of our lives.
Positive habits
sustain our goals, make us proactive in life, instead of reactive, and bring us closer to happiness, well-being, and meaning.
On the other hand negative habits
bring us down, and make us feel stuck, unworthy, and incongruent with our plans and objectives. These self-defeating patterns work as automated behaviors that have become ingrained in our mind and body and that we struggle to get unstuck from.
From my professional and personal experience, I know that there are 3 main successful strategies
in overriding old and unuseful habits, with positive ones, aligned with our goals and mission.
The first one is “start small”. Try to bring marginal and sustainable adjustment to your routine. Think of the smallest step you know you can commit 100% to that will bring you closer to your goal and just start with it. Don’t judge it for being small. Trust the process, it’s a step in the right direction.
The second one is “habit stacking”. Try to stack that marginal adjustment to something that is already established in your life. Perhaps you want to “power down” after a long day in the office and you decide to leave your phone at the entrance of your home just after you take off your jacket. You have just stacked a new habit to an existing habitual behavior.
Finally, here is the one that is the most important and effective: "to celebrate"!
Numerous studies show that we deal with positive and negative information differently. Negativity bias
offered a survival advantage to our ancestors when the threat of rejection from our tribe meant death. We are built to notice more and to be more sensitive to negative information and criticism.
BJ Fogg, director of the Behavior Lab at Stanford, has found that adults have many ways to judge themselves negatively and very few ways of saying “I did a good job”. We focus on the negatives and we rarely recognise our accomplishments.
So, based on the work of BJ Fogg, here is a tip that can become one of your superpowers
to support the creation of positive habits and, ultimately, transform your life: the technique of “celebration”. The idea is to create an internal positive feeling on demand to neurologically wire the new habit into our brain.
Try to think of a new habit you have been trying to introduce into your life. Once you're done reading this newsletter define what might be a small increment toward the creation of that habit, do it, and then celebrate yourself in your most natural and spontaneous way. Maybe you will say “Hurray”, maybe you will give yourself a big smile, you will stretch your arms up in the air, or a fist pump. Whatever is your very own way to celebrate, do it and notice how you feel in your body and mind. I bet it will be something related to a feeling of calm, confidence and energy.
As BJ Fogg teaches:
“Emotions create habits and celebration is the best way to create positive emotions that wire the new habit"
Another bonus point about this technique is that it reminds us of and teaches us to treat ourselves more nicely, and to have our own back, a skill with very positive and powerful ripple effects in many aspects of life.
I hope you feel curious and inspired to try this technique and I cannot wait to hear about what you are celebrating!
I’m always here for you,